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Writer's pictureYass Tween

Being active and being fun about it! *song references included ha ha*

Anyways who here loves to exercise, sweating it out in the gym, playing team sports at all hours and being active all the time!!! Well, I know that might not be your thing and, trust me, it's not really mine either.

But there are other ways to get in a healthy amount of active time that I think I should share with my fellow non-sporty friends. So get ready to feel the burn, because this is how I keep active.

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my BIKE.

Hands up in the comments who got the queen reference XD!!

Depending on your situation (having or being able to ride a bike), this one might not be for you, but if you have a bike that you can ride, hear me out! This is my primary form of physical activity these days. Being a teen in a place with minimal public transport, riding a bike is the most efficient way to get myself somewhere. Not only does it let me be independent (no more fishing for drop-offs), but it also helps me get in my exercise. Plus, I can go anywhere on my bike!

Ohh, I wanna dance with somebody

Who else is going along with the old songs vibe because I'm rocking it if I do say so myself.

Dancing is arguably the most FUN forms of exercise to ever exist on this planet! Wether you stream a dance class on your TV, go to one IRL (shock face emoji), do Just Dances or just rock out to a fave classic, dancing not only gets you moving, but it makes you feel good and HAPPY :). And as mentioned earlier, fitness dance classes do exist, and you could stream one to your TV (I do, often with my Mum.) or go to one IRL if the covid sitch lets you. These classes are designed to get you fitter as well as to be fun!

Coz' you know I love the players, and you love the game!

Yes I know I broke the theme, but who can argue with Tay-Tay?

Do you have friends in this same situation? Well, time to get texting. Organise a hang out and do something that is somewhat active. This could be swimming, walking or even play a game! Games like spotlight, running races, frisbee, catch and even hide and seek aren't just for little kids! Try create some friendly competition, it could be fun!

Video killed the radio star!

The more abstract of song references referring to the paragraphs, but its the best I could do lol.

Heres an abstract idea! Why not make a fun video with your friends. Try your hand in producing! Get out there and film slo mo shots of jumps and tricks, or make a short action film, any good material that can get you running. Getting your dose of activity and picking up skills all at once, a good deal if you ask me!

Hope you try some of these! Stay Wonderful!


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Yass Tween
Yass Tween
30 apr. 2021

I hope you liked the song references haha

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